Execution of a paper


In Scopus or WoS


 The paper should clearly indicate the relevance, scientific significance, research results and conclusions. Any borrowing of materials from other sources should be properly referenced, and the name of the source to which the author refers should be indicated in the list of references.

The paper should be written in a scientific style. The lexical composition of the scientific style is characterized by relative homogeneity and closeness; this is expressed, in particular, in the lesser use of synonyms. In the scientific style, there should be no colloquial vocabulary; it is also not characteristic of evaluativeness. Evaluation is used in scientific works to clarify the author’s thoughts and has a rational character. Scientific style of speaking is distinguished by the accuracy and logicality of thought, its consistent presentation and objectivity of treatment.

A scientific publication is one of the main results of a researcher’s activity. The material submitted for publication must be original, and not previously published in other print media. The paper should be written using predominantly modern scientific literature, and involve new concepts. The main purpose of the publication is to make the author’s work available to other researchers. The author indicates his/her priority in the chosen field of research by means of the publication.

In the introductory part, it is necessary to indicate the relevance and expediency of developing a scientific problem or task. It is required to reveal the problems under study and ways to solve them by analyzing and synthesizing information in the main part of the paper. The author also needs to justify the possible results and their reliability. The paper should analyze, compare and identify the most important and promising directions for the development of science (or scientific practice), its individual types of activities, phenomena, events, etc.

A scientific paper should be of problem nature, demonstrate different views of scientists on the development of scientific (practical) knowledge, and contain conclusions, generalizations, and summary data. In the final part, the author should summarize the results, formulate conclusions, recommendations and indicate possible directions for further research.



1. Papers are accepted in Russian and English;

2. The volume of a paper is 14 to 26 pages;

3. Originality of the text should be not less than 80% (papers are tested using the plagiarism search engines);

4. To type text, formulas and tables, you should use Microsoft Word for Windows editor. Text editor parameters: all fields are 2 cm wide; Times New Roman font, size – 12; line spacing – 1.5; width alignment; paragraph indent – 1 cm; sheet orientation – Portrait;

5. All visual objects should be provided in a format that allows formatting (necessary for translation). All files with figures should be numbered (Fig1, Fig2, etc.). Titles of figures should be given at the end of the paper (Picture 1. Title of drawings). Any figures (including graphs and diagrams) should be equally informative both in color and black and white form;

6. The tables are placed in the paper itself. It is necessary to give the number of the table and its title below the table (for example: Table 3. Title of table);

7. Execution of metadata for the paper: 1. Full paper title; 2. Shortened version of the paper title (Running title); 3. Full name of the author of the paper; 4. Academic title, academic degree, position; 5. Place of work: department, faculty, name of the university; 6. City, country; 7. Working address with postal code, work phone number. 8. E-mail. 9. Information about the grant (if any).

– If there are several authors of the paper, the information is repeated for each author.

– The paper may be accompanied by a short biographical description of the author as a researcher, if desired (no more than 50 words in English, no more than 60 words in Russian);

8. The text of the paper should be divided into parts and the titles should be signed as follows: Abstract. Keywords. Introduction. Materials and methods. Literature Review. Results. Discussions. Conclusions. Acknowledgements. References;

9. Optimal volume of Abstract is 150 words (no more than 250 words in Russian or 200 in English).

10. Key words are 5-10 words. Key words should be separated from each other by a semicolon;

11. JEL codes should be included, if applicable.

12. The list of References is given in alphabetical order, with through numbering. References to the corresponding source in the text from the list are arranged in parentheses, see example: (1, p. 277). The use of automatic page-by-page references is not allowed. The list of References must contain at least 20 sources for last 3 years. The list of foreign sources should be not less than 15 items. The advantage will be the use of papers published in Scopus and Web of Science databases. 

– Information about the paper in the journal shall include: author’s surname and name, year of publication, title of the paper, and title of the journal, volume/number/issue, and also pages.

– Information about the book should include: name and surname of the author, year of publication, title of the book, name of the publishing house, and place of publication.

– In the case of an electronic source of information, reference and access date are mandatory.

– It is necessary to specify the type of each source: for example, (conference proceedings), etc. to avoid confusion when executing a list of References in accordance with the requirements of the journal;

13.       The paper should clearly indicate the relevance, scientific significance, methodology, purpose of the research, results and conclusions, as well as comprehensive literature analysis.

* In case of non-compliance with the requirement, the publisher reserves the right to partially change and shorten the abstract. 


Automatic control of an intelligent building based on sensors 

Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov 

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Information and Measuring Systems, Associate Professor, Novosibirsk State Technical University, 630092, Novosibirsk, 20 Karl Marx Ave, E-mail: [email protected]


The research is funded (information about sponsorships, grants)

Running title: Control of an intelligent building


Object: The text of the Abstract 

Methods: The text of the Abstract

Findings: The text of the Abstract

Conclusions: The text of the Abstract

Keywords: from 5 to 10 keywords

Introduction. The text of the paper

Materials and methods. The text of the paper. 

 Results and Discussion. The text of the paper

Literature Review

20 or more sources, including foreign ones (ideally with DOI indication)

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